22 de junio de 2015

Hola a todos:

Una buena noticia. Ha salido el volumen Arthur of the Iberians, que completa esta prestigiosa serie de la Universidad de Gales. Os he adjuntado portadas e índice.

Yo he tenido el honor de participar con el capítulo final, todo un recuento de arturiana ibérica desde el XVIII and XXI. Quiero agradecer mucho a nuestros autores artúricos de Clytiar, ya que investigadores hay muchos, autores muchos menos. Es decir, Lourdes, Ana Margarida y José Ramón. Gracias.

Esta lista de obras se ha reunido con la ayuda de muchas personas que me han ido facilitando títulos. A todas doy gracias. Pero el proceso no ha terminado. Estoy seguro de que hay muchos más tesoros artúricos ibéricos por descubrir. De hecho, yo ya tengo varios hallazgos más que no me dejaron ya añadir a la lista.

Cualquier ausencia que detectéis (nada es perfecto), os agradecería muchísimo que me la comunicarais.

Saludos a todos:

Hello everybody,

Good news. The volume Arthur of the Iberians has just been published. It completes this prestigious series published by the University of Wales. I have attached covers and index.

It was my honour to be able to contribute its final chapter, a survey of Iberian Arthuriana form the 18th to the 21st centuries. I feel very gratuful to our Clytiar Arthurian authors. Researchers, there are many; authors, many fewer. Namely, Lourdes, Ana Margarida and José Ramón. Thank you.

This listing of works has been compiled with the help of many individuals who have never stopped providing me with new titles. My warmest thank you to them all. But the process has not finished yet. I am sure that there are many more Iberian Arthurian treasures to discover. In fact, I already have some more findings, but it was too late to have them included in this chapter.

Anything you may miss (nothing is perfect), please, do not hesitate to tell me. I would feel very grateful if you do.

Best regards,

David Hook (ed): The Arthur of the Iberians. Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, VII. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-78316-241-3.

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