Cardiff University
School of European Studies
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CF10 3AS Cardiff (País de Gales)
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[2008] Defensa de la tesis doctoral titulada The Arthurian World in Bernard Cornwell’s Trilogy The Warlord Chronicles: Historical and Literary Sources, dirigida por la Dra. María Sanz Casares. Obtención del grado de doctor con la calificación Sobresaliente cum Laude, por unanimidad. Título obtenido: Doctor en Filosofía y Letras, División Filología, Sección Filología Inglesa. Universidad de Valladolid, 24 de julio.


[2004] «Historicism and Realism in Modern Arthurian Literature: The Lantern Bearers, by Rosemary Sutcliff», in Abad, P. & J.M. Barrio (coords.) (2004) Estudios de Literatura inglesa de los siglos XX y XXI. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid. Vol. VII, 325-331. ISBN 84-8448-267-7
[2009] «Arthuriana vs. Religion: the Other Enemies of God», in Silkü, R., A. Atilla & I. A. Biçer (eds.) (2009) IDEA. Izmir: Ege University Press, 187-198. ISBN 978-975-483-808-4
[2009] «The New Arthurian Wave: Changes in Modern Arthuarian Fiction», in Jarazo Álvarez, R. & L. Montero Ameneiro (eds.) (2009) Periphery and Centre, IV. A Coruña: AFI, University of Coruna, 87-96. ISBN 978-84-692-4002-1.
[2010] «Redefining Modernism and Postmodernism: The Case of Arthurian Literature», in Toplu, S. & H. Zapf (eds.) (2010). Redefining Modernism and Postmodernism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 278-291. ISBN: 978-1-4438-2268-8.
[2011] «From the Otherworld to the Outer Space: Arthur Travels Across the Ages», in Erdem, M & alii. (eds.) (2012). Change and Challenge. Izmir: Ege University Press. ISBN: 978-975-483-947-0
[2011] «Morgan of the Thousand Faces», in Spremiæ, M.& B. Ðoriæ-Francuski (eds.) (2011). English Language and Literature Studies: Image, identity, Reality. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, 75-86. ISBN: 978-86-6153-054-8.
[2011] «Not that good alter all? The Church and Arthuriana: a love/hate relation», in C. Girbea, A. Popescu & M. Voicu (eds.) (2011) Temps et mémoire dans le littérature arthurienne. Bucharest: Editura Universitâþii din Bucureºti, 472-481. ISBN: 9-7897-3737-9771.
[2012] «Women, Politics, Religion: the Reshaping of Arthuriana», in Alamichel, M-F. & R Braid (eds.) (2011) Texte et Contexte: Littérature et Histoire de l’Europe médiévale. Paris: Michel Houdiard, 570-586. ISBN: 978-2356-920-553.
[2012] “Del Medievo al Futuro: la Leyenda Artúrica y su valor cultural”, in Prieto Arranz, J.I. (ed.) (2012) De-centring Cultural Studies. Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 71-88. ISBN: 978-1-4438-4476-5.
[2014] “Un texto galés es España: la recepción y traducción de ‘Culhwch ac Olwen’ de los Mabinogion”, in Zarandona, J. (ed.) (2014). De Britania a Britonia. La leyenda artúrica en tierras de Iberia: cultural, literatura y traducción. Oxford: Peter Lang, 41-67. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1557-9.


[2009] «Forcing the Bull to Its Knees: the Mithraic Strife in Modern Arthuriana», in Martín Ferreira, A. (ed.) (2009) Minerva. Vol. XXII. Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, 205-215. ISSN: 0213-9634.
[2009] «Changing Motifs in Arthurian Literature: Towards a New Round Table», in Čubrović, B. (ed.) (2009) Philologia. Belgrade: Univerzitet u Beogradu, 101-108. ISSN 1451-5342. Vol. VII.
[2009] «And Women Took Over Arthuriana», in Pârlog, H. (ed.) (2009) B.A.S. British and American Studies. Timisoara: Editura Universităţi de Vest, 155-166. ISSN 1224-3086
[2011] «Dark Ages, Religious Conflicts and their Literary Representations: The Winter King, by Bernard Cornwell», in Tiutiuca, D & alii (eds.) (2011). Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio. Galati: Danubius Univeristy. ISSN: 1844-7562
[2013] “Modern Arthurian Literature: A Male World?”, in Tiutiuca, D & alii (eds.) (2013). Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio. Galati: Danubius Univeristy. ISSN: 1844-7562
[2014] “¿Hablando con mirlos? El uso de la personificación de animales en la leyenda artúrica”, in Martín-Junquera, I. (ed.) (2014). Estudios Humanísticos. Filología. v. 36. León: Universidad de León. Servicio de Publicaciones, 156-65. ISSN: 0313-1329


[2000] «King Arthur». Faculty of Education, University of Valladolid. 29th November 2000.
[2002] «Historicism and Realism in the Modern Arthurian Literature: The Lantern Bearers, by Rosemary Sutcliff». VII Conferences on the Literature in English in the 20th and 21st centuries. University of Valladolid. 25th April 2002.
[2005] «The Religious Conflict in The Winter King, by Bernard Cornwell». Celtic Folk Students Conference at Cardiff University. 23rd July 2005.
[2007] «Crossing the Boundaries: The Mutual Influence of Spanish and British Literatures». Crossing the Boundaries in European Culture Conference. University of Belgrade, Serbia. 7th December 2007.
[2008] «Arthuriana vs. Religion. The Other Enemies of God». 3th IDEA Conference. Izmir, Turkey. 18th April 2008.
[2008] «And so they came. Women in Modern Arhuriana». 18th BAS Conference. University of Timisoarâ, Romania. 23rd May 2008.
[2008] «Here King Arthur, at the service of your propaganda». Texts and Contexts: Interactive Perspectives Conference. University of Kaunas. Kaunas, Lithuania. 17th October 2008.
[2008] «The New Arthurian Wave». III International Conference on Peripheral Cultures. Universidade da Coruña. A Coruña, Spain. 7th November 2008.
[2009] «Redifining Modernism and Postmodernism: the Arthurian Case». 12th International Cultural Studies Symposium: Redefining Modernism & Postmodernism. Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. 1st May 2009.
[2009] «Did ever Arthur fight the Saxons?» Texte and Contexte. Literature and History of Medieval Europe. Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Valée. Paris, France. 23-24, 2009.
[2009] «Morgan of the Thousand Faces». ELLSIR Conference. University of Belgrade, Serbia. 4-6 Dec. 2009.
[2010] «Not that good after all? The Church and Arthuriana: a love/hate relation.» Temps et Mémoire dans la Littérature Arthuriene. Bucharest, Romania. European Society of Arthurian Studies. 14-15 May.
[2010] «Arthurian Traumas.» British and American Studies Conference / XX. Timisoara, University of the West, Romania. 20-22 May, 2010.
[2010] «La traducción medieval como propaganda política: un caso artúrico en España». XIV Forum for Iberian Studies. Oxford University. 24-25 June, 2010.
[2010] «Spanish Arthurian Texts: A Matter of Humour and Violence.» International Arthurian Society. British Branch Conference. Cambridge University, 6-8 September, 2010.
[2010] «Del medievo al futuro: la leyenda artúrica y su valor cultural.» IV SELICUP Conference: Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture: Spaces and Contexts.» Palma de Mallorca, 20-22 October, 2010.
[2011] «King Arthur in the arena: Spanish Arthurian texts.» XXIII Triennial Congress of the International Arthurian Society. University of Bristol, 25-30 July 2011
[2011] «From the Otherworld to the Outer Space: Arthur Travels across the Ages».13th Cultural Studies Symposium. Ege Univeristy, Turkey, 4-6 May, 2011.
[2012] “Medieval world, modern world: the making of a nation. The Welsh Mabinogion in modern adaptations”. 14th Conference of RNLA. Univeristy of Pécs, 20-23 June, 2012.
[2012] “An endless myth. Adaptation and modernisation of a medieval topic”. CLAI First International Conference. University College Cork, 28-30 June, 2012.
[2012] “Hablando con mirlos.” La fábula en la Edad Media. Precedentes y Pervivencias. University of León (Spain), 15-17 November 2012.
[2012] “The edge of the rock and the embrace of death: the revision of two characters in contemporary Arthurian literature”. 4th ELSEE conference. Univeristy of Belgrade, 7-9 December 2012.
[2013] “From “Kerueð of hire nose” to “I must do penance”: physical traumas and psychological wounds in Arthurian Literature.” 1st conference IMR-MEMSA, University of Durham, 8-9 July, 2013.
[2013] “Hispanicizing Arthur”. The International Arthurian Society. British Branch Annual Conference, University of Bangor, 9-11 September 2013.
[2014] “Other Worlds, other Cultures: Morgana in Spanish Arthurian Literature”. 24th International Arthurian Society Conference, Univeristy of Bucharest, 21-26 July 2014.
[2014] “The adventures of King Arthur and the Noble Knights of the Silver Screen”. Read on Screen, Metropolitan University of Prague, 17-18 October 2014.
[2014] “Arthurian Adaptations of the Otherworld”. Myth-Making Across Boundaries. Ege University, Izmir, 22-24 October 2014.


[2008- ] Miembro del grupo de investigación Cultura Literatura y Traducción Artúricas (CLYTIAR) de la Universidad de Valladolid – España.


[2006- ] Miembro de MEDIUM AEVUM. The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature. Gran Bretaña.
[2010- ] Miembro de la International Arthurian Society. British Branch.

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